Board Meetings & Compliance

Notice of Public Board Meetings

In pursuant to The San Francisco Sunshine Ordinance enacted in 1993 by the Board of Supervisors and later amended in 1999 by the voters, listed below are The Transgender District's notice of our upcoming public board meetings.


Compliance Reporting Requirements for San Francisco-funded Nonprofits

In July 2023, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors passed an ordinance (23-0165) that established new reporting requirements for nonprofit organizations that receive $100,000 or more annually from the City. 

The Transgender District's Chief Executive Officers

Breonna McCree | Co-Executive Director
Carlo Gomez Arteaga | Co-Executive Director

The Transgender District's Executive Officers and Board of Directors

Sean Greene | Chief Administrative Officer
Diamond Collier | Chair of the Board
Bryanna Jenkins | Board Treasurer 
Jaelynn Scott | Board Secretary
Andrew Alemán | Board Member

The Transgender District's IRS
501(c)(3) Determination Letter

The Transgender District's Audited Financial Statements (2023)

The Transgender District's Budget (2023)

The Transgender District's 990
(FY 2023)

The Transgender District's Verification of Current Registration with the CA’s Registry of Charitable Trusts

State Charity Registration #: CT0286478